Tuesday 17 March 2015

Final Product: Front Cover (main task)

Final Product: Beauty Page (main task)

Final Product: Fashion Double Page Spread (main task)

Final Product: Billboard (ancillary)

Final Product: Website (ancillary)


Achieved Today

In todays lesson I completed all of my evaluation questions and had them assessed by my teacher who gave me a few areas to alter which I did do. I am going to continue going through my work with her over the next few lessons to ensure that it is as good as it can be an to make sure that I can get the highest grade I possibly can. 

Evaluation: Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In this Prezi I have attempted to tackle the first evaluation question on my A2 Media coursework. In addition to this I have also previously compared my work to existing products which I feel allows for easier comparison between my product and the existing products to see how I may have kept with, developed or subverted typical forms and conventions of each product. There is one for each page of my regional fashion magazine (cover, beauty page and double page spread), billboard and website.