Tuesday 10 March 2015

Peer Feedback On My Completed Products.

This peer feedback has given me further insight into my work and there are a few things that I have learned from gathering it. Due to this feedback being taken in after I had started my evaluation process I did not make any of the changed suggested to me, but none of these suggestions were major things that I think could put an audience member off buying my product. 
One thing that was touched upon by a few people was the lack of colour variation in my website, which I agree could be more colorful, however, such weskits as Elle and  Vogue use mainly black and white as it is very classic and so that is why I kept to black and white after experimenting with some different colours throughout. 

Another area touched on a couple of times was how a few of my images looked unprofessional (the loungewear ones) and were scruffily laid out. I do agree that the loungewear ones looked slightly casual and this was an intended effect as t makes it look more relaxed in my opinion, however, I can see how this may put some people off and so in retrospect if I were to do it again I would probably make these images appear more professional like the other images I took. The presentation of my images was also questioned by a couple of people but after playing around with my double page spread images for some time I settled on the way they are as having them regimented makes the page look too boxy and existing products actually adopt the same format that I have used. 

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