Tuesday 17 March 2015

Evaluation: Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

This is a short video on the types of girls that will be in my target audience and a brief description of the types of things they're interested in. I also did a target audience interview earlier in the year that gave me my initial ideas. 

  And some of the reasons they may be interested in my products. 
And here is some feedback I have gotten from my peers and friends on their opinions of my work which would tell me whether they would purchase the product in question or if there was anything they would prefer to be present. 

By gathering audience feedback I have learnt exactly what to put in so as to best appeal to my target audience by conducting a survey on what they looked for in a magazine and an interview to find out what they were interested in in general. I learnt that I needed to add in elements of both beauty and makeup as my target audience was most interested in products that covered both areas, but did not entirely dedicate themselves to those two areas, i.e. they liked articles on hobbies, relationships and general goings on as well. I also received feedback on my finished product to tell me how accurately I had perceived their likes and dislikes. 

Throughout the design process of my products I also received regular feedback from my tutor which led to me making alterations to my second page and double page spread at several points. I also made alterations to my billboard on suggestion from my tutor. 
(Specific changes on recommendation from my tutor were made 9th January to my second page, 15th January to my fourth page and billboard)
I also received suggestions for alterations from another tutor after standardisation to make changes to my cover, double page spread and second page.  

By receiving this feedback I have been able to improve the overall standard of my work to the best that I think it can be. 

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