Tuesday 17 March 2015

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

For this question I have used flickr to annotate my work to help show some areas of each product I feel specifically target this question. 

Throughout my work having a consistent theme and keeping the overall look of my products similar was something I was very careful. Not only would this create more professional looking products but will also make them work better as a whole in attracting audience members. The theme that is noticeably present in all of my media products is the country clothing trend and I have kept this by having the model wear the same clothes in virtually all of the pictures. This combines my products in being identifiable as one product and although this is not necessarily typical of the genre it may appeal to the audience. 

Some smaller things I tried to keep consistent throughout my work include things such as using the same font whenever the name of the magazine was used (excluding in chunks of text) and also keeping the same colour scheme throughout the entirety of my work - however, I did change colour scheme slightly on my website as this is not seasonal but will be used throughout the year and black and white were still featured in my work. 

By keeping the colour scheme and fonts the same this combines my products, meaning that the audience can easily see that they're from the same company even if they are not familiar with any of the products. In addition to using the same font and colours I also used similar images through the entirety of my products to tie them together, I also featured my magazine on my website and the website URL on the magazine cover and the billboard. 

I think the overall combination of my main products and ancillary tasks are very effective. I have made sure to feature elements of each product in the others to make them identifiable as from the same company. I also feel that I have consistently kept the genre and this will increase appeal from the audience. There is also a number of other ways in which I have attempted to increase the appeal to the audience including through the types of products I used on my beauty page and the clothes that the model is wearing. 

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