Thursday 12 February 2015

Comparing My Work To Existing Products: Beauty Page (second page)

I have previously compared my work to existing products but since then I have made some significant alterations to my beauty page and so I have decided to compare my updated work to an existing product. I also compared my front cover and fashion double page spread but they've stayed nearly exactly the same so I don't think they require comparison again.
As you can see I have made quite a lot of changes since the last time I compared my product to an existing one.
My brief is still the same, to produce a regional fashion magazine and I have decided to add a beauty element to think is my second page.
Although these products may not focus on the same time of year they still look very similar in their layouts and it is easy to tell that both of these are beauty features from magazines due to their content. 

Similarities between my product and the existing product include the use of a number code to tell you about the product instead of having a lot of text boxes like I had previously which broke the page up quite badly. The products are listed in an orderly format down the side of my page and through the centre of the existing product which makes them similar. They both also feature what is effectively a whole face of makeup.


However, there are quite a lot of differences which help my product stand out from others that are similar. My page includes beauty products outside of makeup but this may be more due to my product focusing on how to keep your skin healthy over winter (which is when my product is focusing on).

The existing product also has a lot more text than mine does, however, I think the article on the existing product is more of a main article and that might be why there is more writing that goes into more detail on looks etc.

Another key difference is my use of a picture of a model sporting a look which my features products can create, however, despite this being absent on the existing product I have chosen to compare mine to it is a common feature on many beauty pages so I have just mixed elements from different existing products.

Probably the final significant difference in my work compared to the existing product is my use of a sort of background (the lipstick smudges and kisses), while the existing product is relatively plain. However, this could be because of the difference in seasons that the articles are set; usually articles set in summer and spring are lighter and have a lot more empty pace to give the element of freshness and light while articles focusing on autumn and winter are darker and tend to be fuller to reflect the darker nights and make the page feel cozier. 
I got the idea to put the background on my work from a product that was featured in spring/summer (my original comparison showed the existing product I took the idea from) but these products were lighter in colour than the ones I used and the colour difference I chose was because of the difference is season and to fit in with trends and the overall colour scheme of my work.

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