Thursday 12 February 2015

Comparing My Work To Existing Products: Billboard

Here I am comparing my billboard ancillary task product with an existing one. 
Most magazines don't tend to advertise on billboards so it was quite hard to find existing products to compare mine to as most magazines find other ways of promoting themselves (on TV, by word of mouth, coming free with other products etc.) and the product I actually took inspiration from for my magazine billboard was a Wildfox billboard which I recreated here.

For the purpose of an accurate comparison, however, I looked at an existing magazine billboard. This Vogue billboard was one of the few magazine-featuring ones I could find, and there are really very few similarities between that and my own product. This is probably due to the fact that the Vogue billboard is specifically plugging one issue, being an already household name the don't need to be simplistic for people to remember the name of their product, but need to be outstanding for people to remember the issue that they are selling and what it's for (in this case the their Cindy Crawford issue)


Similarities between the two include the name of the magazine and the model from that issue being on the billboard, which would give the audience member something to look out for in shops. 
The existing product, like mine also has the name of the website on the left hand side.

However, that is about where the similarities stop. 
My billboard is fairly simple, with hardly any writing on it so as to get the message across as easily as possible for the short time period people will likely be viewing it (at the sides of roads, on buses etc.). 
I also did not feature my actual magazine in the shot, unlike Vogue (which would allow the audience to know what they were exactly looking for). Instead I chose an image similar but with enough difference so as my product stood out compared with my other products.
As well as these points I also added in the tagline of the magazine into my billboard which is usually seen with clothing brands but as you can see here is less used in magazine promotion. 

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