Wednesday 10 September 2014

Inspirational Texts - 4 pages

Glamour magazine is one of the larger glossy lifestyle mags widely available to the general public and is sold internationally. Obviously being an international magazine does have an effect on it's content somewhat; Glamour magazine often has multiple stories on celebrities and pages upon pages of designer advertising. Usually this designer advertising is of the lower designer spectrum (the likes of Steve Madden frequent shoe features) and although expensive are still affordable. I think depending on the area I choose for my regional magazine these types of designers and shops would fit in perfectly. I also really like the mood board style they do their top fashion pieces in. 
One thing which I really do like about Glamour is how they often have such features as "beauty editor's pick" or "style editors pick", usually around the start of a new season which acts as a way of displaying the latest seasonal trends in a way which won't overload the reader; this is something I think could be applicable to my magazine. Glamour also often changes their colour scheme to fit in with the seasons, the Rita Ora one I have featured is September 2014's edition and is beginning to incorporate more autumnal colours but still has the warmth of summer in it's yellow header. 

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Fabulous magazine is another of my inspirational texts for my 4 page spread and is probably more along the lines of how my regional magazine would turn out. It's a supplementary magazine that comes with The Sun and not particularly big and is aimed at the 16-25 age range female target market. This said they do have some features which are aimed at older women going into their 40s and 50s. 
The style Fabulous is done in is much more relaxed than the glossy magazines tend to be and this is down to the target market; youthful and more than likely from a working class background. This is the target market I'll be looking at so I'll be taking a lot of inspiration form the way articles are put together and where abouts products are from which will likely be high street shops such as River Island and Topshop. 
Like Glamour, Fabulous also does a 'pick' of fashion and beauty under their "Here's What We're Lusting After" section. Again this is something I think I can apply to my own regional magazine.
Along with celebrity, lifestyle and health and beauty articles Fabulous also does articles on up coming events such as Lady's Day at Ascot and festivals such as Reading and Leeds. This is something else I could take and apply to my own regional magazine. 

Heat is one of my personal favorite magazines and has been for some time, but not because of the celebrity gossip it's renowned for. personally I like the colloquial feeling of the articles (which is also featured to a slightly lesser extent in Fabulous). This magazine is quite chatty which I think would translate well into a regional magazine, especially as if it were a real magazine, the likelihood that you'd know a lot of the readers is incredibly high.
On the fashion/beauty front Heat doesn't focus on this very much as their primary focus is on the celeb gossip but I do really like how they do "Your Lunch Hour Trolley Dash", which is a unique take on the likes of 'editors pick' and is something I'm very much interested in recreating in my magazine. 
Asides from that one feature, Heat is much the same as Fabulous in content and layout - mainly focusing on high street brands and shops in a simplistic way, occasionally doing features on what products celebrities use or a beauty agony aunt. 

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