Wednesday 10 September 2014

Inspirational Texts - Websites

Like the magazine, Glamour's website is to cater for mid-range designers and has a target audience of those interested in lower end designer wear and caters for those ranging from 18-50 years of age. Like the magazine also the website heavily relies upon celebrity endorsement of brands and does multiple features on various events throughout the year (less frequent than in the magazine though).
Personally I do like the clean white, minimalist design but I think it's quite impersonal and I think for the website I'll be creating I'd like it to be more inviting.
The way they go about their layout, however, is something that I do like; they have a newsbar going up the left hand side of the screen and scrolling images at the top of most pages highlighting some of the better bits from the page you are on. Obviously the scrolling images would be slightly difficult to create (from my past experience they were anyway!) but their highlights on the front pages of the tab you're on is a good idea as well and I'll keep it in mind when creating my web pages. 

Being a free magazine that comes with The Sun it comes under Th Sun's website and to access the full content you need to subscribe, this isn't uncommon with free magazines that have an online presence and some regional magazines also follow this practice; this means a large portion of the page is dedicated to advertising Sun+ which allows you full access to all of the articles from fabulous and more.
I do think the way which they've laid the articles out suits the type of magazine that is is (connected to a newspaper) but I don't think I'll be taking much inspiration from Fabulous' website.

The Heat website incorporates current events into it's theme (usually the background is just white and red, but at the moment has the Stand Up To Cancer arrows referring to the March On Cancer occurring on the 11th October).
I do very much like how interactive the Heat website is, even to the point of having a 'fun' section. I do very much like the whole feel of the Heat website, however, I do think that my own could look a little more professional and maybe focus less on celebrity and more on fashion and or beauty. 

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