Wednesday 10 September 2014

Inspirational Texts - Billboards

Fashion billboards tend to be very stinking and often plain so as to stay in your mind and so as you can recall the brand name. This Forever 21 billboard fits that expectation exactly; merely depicting 2 girls, likely wearing clothes from the store, and the shop's name and web address, meaning if seen on the way home etc. it can be looked up once home. 

Apple is a brand that very much embraces minimalism and this is an internationally known fact. Even without the brand name it's likely that a member of the target audience would be able to identify who was selling it. Personally this is something that I really like about Apple, however this is likely not going to be something I can translate into promoting a magazine, however, the minimalism approach will be something I bare in mind during creating mine.

Elle is one of the few magazines I've seen promote themselves on billboards and they break the typical convention of a rather plain advertisement. This in itself makes it maybe more memorable; with striking yellow against black and a series of their covers underneath which have featured various icons of Hollywood. Obviously being a new regional magazine there'll be no front covers and few local icons to choose from but I really do like the idea of a basic yet striking billboard (the yellow on the black). 

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