Sunday 21 December 2014

Changes To My Double Page Spread

After feedback fro my teacher these are the changes that I have made to my double page spread. It was mentioned that the original looked quite box and I agree with that and so I took inspiration from existing products to see how they combated this. Most products added an outline to the images to break them up a bit and didn't have them in regimented formations and so I altered my work slightly to look more like them. However, I'm not sure I like the effect too much and so I will talk to my teacher again and see if she has any suggestions on whether she thinks it looks professional or if I should change it and what I should so if I am to change it. 
I was also considering getting some more photos for the lounge wear part but I wasn't able to get any and so I stuck with the ones that I had that I thought were the best. 
In addition to changing the layout of the photos I also synchronised all of the text so it matched to create more continuity and I added in a slug line at the top and a page number/issue number at the bottom of the page.

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