Thursday 18 December 2014

Feedback Of My Main Product

I received feedback on my main product (4 pages of a regional fashion magazine) from my tutor and I am going to take the advice she has given me and apply it to my work so as I can achieve the highest level possible on my coursework. 
Some things she has pointed out include maybe taking the boxes out of my second page as they're quite distracting and I will see how this works and have a look at some fashion/beauty magazines to see how they avoid using them. She also pointed out that the tag line on the second page is quite hard to read which I agree with.
On my double page spread it was mentioned that my layout is quit boxy which takes away from the professionalism of it which I agree with and a friend actually mentioned to me before I submitted it. To maintain continuity between the two pages it was also suggested that I keep the same font in the text boxes but having a separate font for the items actually makes it stand out quite well. 
As well these small changes my tutor also mentioned it might be worth adding a slug line to both the second page and my double page spread, along with adding the page number, masthead and issue number as well as maybe the website to the bottom of my page.  

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