Thursday 11 December 2014

Possible Billboard Images

Here are the 5 photos I have selected as a possibility for my billboard image. Typically billboards are made up of one large, focus image with a small amount of text added on top of them to get the point across quickly and simply as they are often located in places that don't allow the audience to view them for long. I feel that these pictures I have selected reflect the target audience of my magazine (young females from the East Midlands) whilst being simple and striking at the same time. 

This is one of my favorite pictures that I took on my shoot as the fact the model is looking down adds an element of mystery to her, it makes her look quite shy and feminine but the way she is sitting makes her seem at ease and confident on the horse. The only thing is with her looking down she can't make eye contact with the camera and you can't really see her face as her hair is in the way which takes away some of the personal connection she could have with the audience but even with this I think this is a strong image and I am seriously considering using this for my billboard.

This image is one of the more sexualised images that I took. The facial expression she is pulling is similar to the ones you see on the likes of FHM, or like Marilyn Monroe's classic look of head tilted with lips slightly parted and eyebrows raised. The model's body language is also quite sexualised in that she appears quite open to the camera. Because this is a fashion magazine I don't need her to look too sexualised as Laura Mulvey stated that to enjoy certain media texts a female must look through the eyes of a male, as this is a text aimed at women this wouldn't be necessary and the lack of a 'male gaze' can be seen on virtually every fashion magazine and so I don't think I should use this image for that reason. 

This is another of my favorite images. The model looks confident here and unlike the first image is making eye contact with the camera so the audience can make a connection with the model. The facial expression is quite neutral so there is not the problem of applying to the male gaze which may have isolated some female readers. One minor thing about this image is that there is a bit of hair across the model's face but I think that makes it look more natural and this again is definitely an image I am considering using for my final piece.

Again this is another of my favorite pictures. The model appears very confined, both in herself and on the horse. The holding of her coat in that way makes her look confident in herself and the fact she isn't holding on and is sitting side on shows confidence in her ability. This confidence (in both aspects) may appeal to my target audience as many of the girls in my primary audience will likely ride horses. Her facial expression is slightly sexualised but not enough to isolate female readers and may actually entice more male readers (though they are mainly a secondary audience). The lighting in this picture is good and I generally think it would be a striking image to use as my billboard.

In this photo I like that I managed to get the horses face in with the model. The model again looks very confident, and in my opinion looks slightly fierce, especially with her body language (with her hand resting on the horses neck). However, I am worried that with such an obvious presence of the horse it would be mistaken for a horse related magazine instead of a fashion based one, especially as the model is pushed to the side of the frame slightly. Another problem I have here is that her face has blurred a bit which again may remove emphasis that this is a fashion and beauty magazine. Although I do like this picture I don't think it'll be one that I'll use as part of my product. 

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