Friday 19 December 2014

Changes To My Second Page

I received feedback on my original second page from my teacher and there were several things she mentioned that I could change to improve my grade Some things she mentioned would be worth looking into changing were:
- maybe adding a slug line
- the yellow/black text being hard to read
- the boxes of text breaking things up (take them out?)
- maybe add the issue number/page number to the bottom of the page

As you can see I have completely changed the layout of my page. Instead of having information boxes beside the images of the objects I have instead put all of the pictures down one side of the page, with each image being given a number this number can then be found on the other side of the page with the relevant information. I have also taken on board other suggestions my teacher made, including adding the title 'beauty' and the name of the magazine to the top of the page as well as the slug line 'get gorgeous this winter'. In addition to this I added the issue and page number to the bottom of the page.
I have made these improvements and I will give the page to my teacher again to see if she thinks there is anything else I could do to improve my work.

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