Thursday 18 December 2014

Double Page Spread Layouts

Because it was suggested that I change the layout o my double page spread slightly to make it look less boxy I have looked at some existing ones.

I picked these ones as these were examples of ones that use 'boxy' images in their work and how they make them look professional. In all of them they have separated the images slightly with boarders (and overlapped some to make it more interesting to ooh at) and divided the boxy images up with cut out images. I think I am going to try the former - putting borders around them and over lapping - as I don't have many images of items of my model's clothes that would be very good but I might try to get some more when I am down at christmas. Also it was mentioned to me by my tutor that the loungewear images were of a lower quality then the outside ones so I am considering redoing them altogether. 

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