Thursday 30 October 2014

Colour Scheme

The colours used are very important as they give the audience member a lot of in depth knowledge on the product before they have even picked it up; for example, from simply using some of these colours on the front over the audience member may be able to tell that this is a magazine for females, that the theme is more autumnal while at the same time remaining professional. The colours I have chosen are slightly muted, dark colours to reflect the autumn style that I am incorporating in my work while the black and white are elegant and timeless when it comes to print. These colours will also play a running theme throughout my work to produces some form of continuity which will help to create more of a professional looking product. 

In terms of the colour scheme relating to the genre and my target audience I think they do this relatively well. My genre is that of a fashion magazine, focusing in on autumn/winter trends and I feel these colours suit this genre well. All the colours I have selected can be seen during this season on much of the high street - where my target audience will most likely shop. In addition to the color scheme I have chosen fitting in with the genre of my product, I also think it matches very well to my primary target audience (young females). The top four colours could even be considered to be appealing to all levels of my audience as they are relatively unisex.

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