Sunday 26 October 2014

Magazine Recreation

What Went Well...
I feel like in general I managed to accurately recreate the Cheryl Cole Q Magazine cover. Personally I think the text down both sides of the page were the best features, especially the John Lennon circle.

What Could Be Better...
There are areas that could be improved I think, I didn't have an image that was hugely like the one of Cheryl Cole on the cover so I had to improvise with the one that I used, also because in the image it wasn't raining I had to place that over the top which darkened the image a little too much for my liking, also because of this it removed shine from the models face which is present on Cheryl's because of the rain. Also elements of the text that I did aren't exactly right and could be done better.

Overall I am quite happy with this recreation and I think it displays my Photoshop skills relatively well, however, there are still areas upon which I could improve but all in all I'm very happy with it.

Photography of model Florrie Parsons by Charlie Pallett. 

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