Saturday, 11 October 2014

Time Management Update

So far I feel like I am quite on track with my time management and at the moment I am just preparing to start taking my pictures which will then allow me to start making my products. I also have created flat plans of my magazine so I have a rough idea of what sort of images I want to take so as they can fit in with the style that I have chosen.

As it stands I have gained consent from my model about using her to take my photos for my products and a photographer that I know about using some of her images to recreate existing products in the mean time. As well as having her consent I have also added in an artist page which focuses on some of the work that the photographer has done to credit her work further. 

I have also outlined and interviewed my prospective target audience which has helped me in deciding on outfits and makeup for the photo shoot and I have also decided on a location as to where to take these pictures. 

I currently still have to make a recce which I need to do before I take my photos and I hope to get this done within the next few days. I am also planning on creating a survey for my target audience to get more in depth information about what sorts of things they would like to see. I will also be deconstructing and recreating existing products in the near future to see what sorts of codes and conventions they typically hold and to see how easily I can make a professional looking item. 

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