Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Survey Results

From this I have learnt an array of things which I think will help me when I produce my products as it will help me decide on exactly what sorts of contents to put in and who I should aim it at. 

All of my TA are between 15 and 20 years old, though I expect people up to the age of 25 to be interested in my product as up until then I think my audience still dress and act relatively the same. 
At this age most of my target audience are students, however there are a couple that work alongside study and some who just have jobs. At this age as well it is likely that they are still living at home or live in halls and so although some may have a lot expendable income others may not have so much so I should mix between higher priced products and lower.

Most of my target audience is female and at least slightly interested in fashion and buy fashion magazines sometimes. However, they tend to read magazines which incorporate elements other than fashion (such as Cosmo and Glamour), although fashion was one key feature they like to see in magazines, on par with beauty, they also looked for articles on relationships and sex. As they don't tend to read fashion magazines often the majority agreed that a monthly magazine is best, and would pay between £2 and £3.

Most of my target audience are also interested mainly in high street clothing, although do like higher end beauty products and accessories. Most of them are interested in alternative dress (i.e. not high fashion) and look more for practicality in how they dress rather than appearance, although this is also an important factor. 

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